10 habits for a healthy scalp joahbox product

10 Habits for a Healthy Scalp // Korean Hair Care


Since you have been receiving Korean Hair Care products in the past two JoahBox, we thought it would only be fitting to give our readers 10 Tips / Habits for a healthy scalp, and, in turn, get more beautiful hair locks!



#1 Thoroughly Dry your Scalp

It’s actually a tip many people overlook, but it is important to properly and thoroughly dry your scalp after you’ve washed your hair.


# 2 Wash Your Hair If It Gets Wet

Basically, if your hair ever gets wet, even if it’s by a single raindrop, whenever you get home, make sure to wash your hair.




#3 Protect your head from UV rays

The simplest way you can protect your hair from the harmful UV rays is by wearing a hat/cap when you’re going to be out in the sun for a considerable amount of time.


#4 Eat Healthy Foods for your Scalp

Try to incorporate more of the following foods into your diet, in order to have a healthier scalp from the inside out: tuna, seaweed, cheese, black beans, green tea, pomegranate.


#5 Wash Your Hair At Night

It’s actually better for your hair to wash it later in the evening/night time, but make sure to dry it properly, especially if you’re going to bed after!


#6 Enough Sleep

This might not need much explanation, but basically: just make sure to get enough sleep. The recommended for adult women is generally 6-9 hours per night, and more if you’re still a teenager.


#7 Shampoo Time

When you apply shampoo unto your head, make sure to rub it in for about 2-3 minutes before rinsing it.


#8 Treatments

Treatments are a great way to make your hair healthier. It’s recommended to try treatments as often as 2 or 3 times per week. After you shampoo and rinse your hair, leave the treatment on for the recommended time (usually ~10 minutes). Afterwards, rinse it thoroughly.




#9 Dehydrated Scalp?

If you have a dehydrated or very dry scalp, do not blow dry it! Instead, dry it only naturally, and try out products that are specifically nourishing and hydrating.


#10 Brushing

Brushing your hair helps stimulate blood circulation to your scalp. Using a brush with soft, round bristles will be the best option. However, don’t brush your hair if it’s wet! Wait for it to be damp, and untangle it with a wide-toothed comb, or simply wait until it’s dry and brush it as normal.




In January and February, we sent two Korean Hair Care products, a shampoo and butter mask from the brand British M in your Joahbox. Did you receive them? Does your hair feel different after you began using them? Tell us your thoughts!